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Game ON.
Play a gripping 3rd-Person Adventure that leads you into the time of Jesus. Experience the authentic world of the bible and the world-changing events yourself.
After more than five years of intense development, we are beginning to release the prologue of our game.
Now on PC, Consoles upcoming
Individual or group licenses,
no Steam needed (DRM-free)
+ future educational functions
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Immerse yourself in a soundly reconstructed world of bygone times. Discover the culture, society, political and religious actors as well as the smoldering conflicts of this time.
ONE of 500 is an episodic story-driven adventure game, in which you experience the most important story of all time from the perspective of a fisher boy: The Story of Jesus of Nazareth.
While you embark on an epic adventure, you are confronted with some of the biggest questions of life and have to face tough decisions.
Finding your own path in the game, be prepared to encounter some of the most amazing moments in history.
Building an immersive game of the biblical time is a fascinating experience.
Why not learn more about our mission and connect with the team behind ONE of 500?
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Your financial support is helping the production team to raise the funds needed to produce future episodes.
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